Wednesday, August 12, 2020

NFS Server on Linux


NFS server on linux


Network file system 



NFS stands for network file system is a distributed file system protocol allows user on a client computer to access files over a computer network,Linux can be both NFS server and NFS client machine it means that it can export file system  to other systems and mount file systems exported from other machines

Configuring NFS server


Let us start the process


Step -1:  Install NFS server 

use the following command to install the NFS server

sudo apt -get update -y

sudo apt - get install nfs-kernel-server

sudo yum update -y

sudo yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib -y

Step-2: Create a directory called  /nfs_share

mkdir /nfs_share

Step -3: edit the file /etc/exports and add the following line

vi /etc/exports

/nfs_share *(rw,sync)

/nfs_share - directory to be shared

*- clients allowed  to accessthe share,you can restrict it by ip address ,for example ,you could ,instead of the asterik,put to restrict the clients on the network

rw - read and write acsess

sync - sync the disk before command completion

Step -4: Now run the exportfs command to export the directory

exportrf -avr

-a -----> exports or un -exports all directories

-r------> re-export all directories

-u------->un -exports one or more directories

-v--------> provides verbose output

Step-5: Resatrt the services and make it permanaent

sudo service nfs restart

sudo systemctl restart nsf

if you want NFS to start at boot ,use the following command

chkconfig --levels 235 nfs on

sudo systemctl enable nsf

Configuring NFS client


Step-1: install nfs package on the client machine

sudo apt -get update -y

sudo apt -get install nfs-common -y

yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib -y

Step-2: Start the service

sudo service nfs restart

sudo chkconfig --levels 235 nfs on

sudo systemctl start nsf

sudo sytemctl enable nsf

Step-3: Show mount Command to view exportson an NFS server

showmount -e

Step-4: Make a Directory and mount NFS over it

mkdir /nfs_data

mount -t nfs :/nfs_share /nfs_data

Step -5: Make it permanaent mount

edit  /etc/fstab and add the following line

vi  /etc/fstab  /nfs_data nfs defaults  0 0

Once it mounted ,you can able to view the contents of the exported  files /directory locally


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