Sunday, July 19, 2020

Complete Oracle SQL Blog for Developers and Administrators



 In this Blog i am going to explain  Complete  Oracle SQL Blog for Developers and Administrators, short for Structured Query Language is pronounced Ess Queue el and is a simple non procedural language that lets you store and retrieve data in a relational database.

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Data types:

Data type means the format in which we have to store a particular value in a field.

The main data types in oracle are


1.     char(n):


Fixed-length character data (string), n characters long. The maximum size for n is 255 bytes(2000 in Oracle8). Note that a string of type char is always padded on right with blanks to full length of n. (+ can be memory consuming).


Example: char(40)


2.     varchar2 (n):


Variable-length character string. The maximum size for n is 2000. Only the bytes used

for a string require storage.


Example: varchar2 (80)


3.     number (o, d):


Numeric data type for integers and real. o = overall number of digits,

d= number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Maximum values: o =38, d= −84 to +127.


 Examples: number (8), number (5, 2)


Note that, e.g., number (5, 2) cannot contain anything larger than 999.99

without resulting in an error. Data types derived from number are integer, decimal, small int and real.


4.     Date:


 Date data type for storing date and time. The default format for date is: DD-MMM-YY.


  Examples: ’13-OCT-94’, ’07-JAN-98’

Languages in SQL:


SQL consists of 5 languages.

1. Data Definition Language.

2. Data Manipulation Language.

3. Data Control Language.

4. Data Retrieval Language.

5. Transaction Control Language.


1.     Data Definition Language:


Data Definition Language (DDL) that is used to define the structural

characteristics of your databases. The following statements create or remove databases and tables or modify the structure of tables:


· create database creates a new database.

· drop database removes a database and any tables it contains.

· create table creates a new table.

· drop table removes a table and any data it contains.

· alter table modifies the structure of an existing table.


Creating a table:

create table <tablename>(attribute-name datatype (size), attribute-name datatype (size),“ “ );


To view the structure of a table:


Syn: desc <table name>;


To see all the table names in a particular database:


Syn: select * from tab;


Dropping a table:


Syn: drop table <table name>;


2.     Data Manipulation Language:


After a table has been created using the create table command,

tuples can be inserted into the table, or tuples can be deleted or modified

a. Insert:-

The most simple way to insert a tuple into a table is to use the insert statement


Syn: insert into <table> [(<column i. . . column j>)]

Values (<value i. . . value j>);

Ex: insert into project

(pno, pname, persons, budget, pstart) values (313, ’dbs’, 4, 150000.42, ’10-oct-94’);


insert into project values (313, ’dbs’, 7411, null, 150000.42, ’10-oct-94’, null);


b. Update:

For modifying attribute values of (some) tuples in a table, we use the update statement.


Update <table> set <column i> = <expression i>. . . <column j> = <expression j>[where



update emp set job = ’manager’, deptno = 20, sal = sal +1000 where ename = ‘chaitanya’;


c. Delete:

All or selected tuples can be deleted from a table using the delete command:


delete from <table> [where <condition>];

Ex: delete from PROJECT where PEND < sysdate>;


3.     Data Control Language:


A Data Control Language (DCL) is a computer language and a subset of

SQL, used to control access to data in a database.

Examples of DCL commands include:


grant to allow specified users to perform specified tasks.

revoke to cancel previously granted or denied permissions.


4.     Data Retrieval Language:


This language is used to retrieve the data from the table in the database .The command

under this category is “select”.


Select * from <table name>;



5.     Transaction Control Language:


A Transaction Control Language (TCL) is a compute language and a subset of SQL, used

to control transactional processing in a database. Examples of TCL commands include:

commit to apply the transaction.

rollback to undo all changes of a transaction.

savepoint to divide the transaction into smaller sections.






Constraints are mainly used to restrict the table under certain conditions.

Several types of Oracle constraints can be applied to Oracle tables to enforce

data integrity, including:


· Oracle "Check" Constraint:


This constraint validates incoming columns at row insert time.

For example, rather than having an application verify that all occurrences of region are North,South, East, or West, an Oracle check constraint can be added to the table definition to ensure the validity of the region column.


· Not Null Constraint:


This Oracle constraint is used to specify that a column may never contain

a NULL value. This is enforced at SQL insert and update time.

Syntax for creating a not null constraint at the time of creation Of a table:


Create table <table name> (attribute name data type(size) not null);

Syntax for creating a not null constraint after creation of a table:

Alter table <table name> modify (<attribute name> data type (size) not null);




Alter table <table name> drop constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> disable constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> enable constraint <constraint name>;


· Primary Key Constraint:


This Oracle constraint is used to identify the primary key for a table.

This operation requires that the primary columns are unique, and this Oracle constraint will create a unique index on the target primary key.


Syntax for creating a primary key constraint at the time of creation Of a table:

Create table <table name> (attribute name data type (size) primary key);


Syntax for creating a primary key constraint after creation of a table:

Alter table <table name> add primary key (attribute name1, attribute name2);




Alter table <table name> drop constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> disable constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> enable constraint <constraint name>;


References Constraint:


This is the foreign key constraint as implemented by Oracle. A references constraint is only applied at SQL INSERT and DELETE times. At SQL DELETE time, the references Oracle constraint can be used to ensure that an employee is not deleted, if rows still exist in the DEPENDENT table.


Syntax for creating a Foreign key constraint after creation of a table:

alter table (table name) add constraint (foreign key constraint name) foreign key ( field name )

references primary_table_name (primary_table_primary_index_field);




Alter table <table name> drop constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> disable constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> enable constraint <constraint name>;


· Unique Constraint:


This Oracle constraint is used to ensure that all column values within a

table never contain a duplicate entry.


Syntax for creating a unique constraint at the time of creation Of a table:

Create table <table name> (attribute name data type (size) unique);

Syntax for creating a unique constraint after creation of a table:

Alter table <table name> add unique (attribute name1, attribute name2);




Alter table <table name> drop constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> disable constraint <constraint name>;




Alter table <table name> enable constraint <constraint name>;



This command is used to set default values for an attribute i.e, whenever the user enters any value into that default attribute then the value which is entered will be there in the table. If the user doesn’t enter any value into that default attribute.., then the default value will be present in the table.


Syntax for creating a table using default option…

create table <table name>(<att. name> data type(size) default ‘value’);


eg. create table student(sno number(5),sname varchar2(20),gender char(10) default ‘male’, or name varchar2(20) default ‘CHAITANYA’);

The value should be in uppercase letters only…


Syntax using alter after creation creation of table…

Alter table <tablename> modify(<> datatype(size) default ‘VALUE’, <>

datatype(size) default ‘VALUE’);


Alter table student modify(gender char(10) default ‘MALE’, orname varchar2(20) default ‘CHAITANYA’);

It wont disturb the present value in the table,It sets the default value where the value is null in the table.



Alter table student modify(sno number(5) default 10);



Alter table student modify(sno number(5) default ‘’);



This command is used to bring the dropped tables again into the data base. All the table which are

dropped in the database will be stored in a oracle predefined table called as “recycle bin”. We can get back the dropped table unless and until that table is present in the recycle bin.. oracle allows the users to clear the dropped tables from the recycle bin.


Syntax for bringing the dropped table from the database

flashback table <tablename> to before drop;

flashback table student to before drop;


Syntax for viewing all the dropped tables in the database

show recylebin or

select * from recyclebin;


Syntax for removing all the tables from the recyclebin

purge recyclebin;


Syntax for removing particular tables from the recyclebin

purge table <tablename>

purge table student;


Syntax for renaming a table at the time of bringing from recyclebin

flashback table <tablename> to before drop rename to <new tablename>;

flashback table student to before drop rename to student1;


Syntax for removing a table permanently from the database without going into the recyclebin

drop table <tablename> purge;

drop table student purge;



This command is used to display the total count of numbers of records present in a table.

select count(*) from <tablename>;

select count(sno) from <tablename>;

select count(*),count(sno) from student;



Every record inserted into a table will be having a rownumber.By using this row number,

we can display particular range of records in a table.the operators which are applicable for rownumbers is <,<= and =(only for first row)

The operators which are not applicable for rownumber are >,>= and =(other than first row)

q) want to display 1st five records in a table??

select * from <tablename> where rownum<=5;



Rowid means whenever the user inserts one record into a table,then oracle by default

creates one unique rowid for that row…this rowid is 16 digit hexa value.a user can differentiate “n” no.of records by using the rowid….

Syntax to see the rowid value for a particular record

selelct rowid <att. name> from <tablename>;

Syntax to delete record for a particular table

delete from <tablename> where rowid-“_______________”;




This command is used to display non repeated values in a table.

select distinct(sname) from student;

select distinct( from <tablename>;

select distinct sno,sname from student;




This command is used to display the records of a particular table in either ascending order or in descending order of particular attribute…By default,It will display in ascending order…

q) want to display all the records of student table in ascending order of their marks??

Select * from student order by marks;

q) want to display all the records of student table in descending order of their marks??

Select * from student order by marks desc;




logical and,or,not


select * from emp where salary=5000 and ename=’CHAITANTA’;

select * from emp where salary =5000 or ename=’CHAITANYA’;

select * from emp where not salary=5000;




update emp  set salary=salary+5000;

update emp  set salary=salary-5000;




between,not between,is,is not,in,not in,like,not like between/not between


select * from emp where salary between 2000 and 5000;

select * from emp where salary not between 2000 and 5000;




select * from student where sno is null;

select * from student where sname is null;

select * from student where sno = ‘ ’;

select * from student where sno is not null;

select * from student where sno< >’’;




select * from student where sno in(1,2,4);

select * from student where sno not in(1,2,4);




select * from tab where tname like ‘n%’;

it display the tables which starts with n


select * from tab where tname like ‘%n’;

it display the tables which ends with n


select * from tab where tname like ‘_%n’;

 it display the tables which sum characters ends with n


select * from tab where tname like ‘_ _ _’;

it display the tables which are having 3 characters


select * from tab where tname not like ‘n%’;

it display the tables which not starting with n


select * from tab where tname like ‘%abc%’;

it display the tables which starts with some character and ends with other and having abc in the middle.




This command is used to give alias names for a particular attribute…

select sname as “chaitanya” from student;

It display the column names with alias name but not stores with that alias name.


We can also write as follows


select sname “chaitanya” from student;

select sname chaitanya from student;




This command is used to append two strings together. the symbol used to concatenate is ||

select ‘my name is ‘||ename||’ with eno ‘||eno||’ earning a salary of ‘||salary from emp;




Decode is used to differentiate between any two types of things and display the appropriate one. It works as an if condition in C language.


select decode(gender,’m’,’mr’,’miss’) from emp;

It will display MR in decode if the gender is M otherwise it will show MISS




This operator is used to call dynamically a particular value in that attribute and display

another name.


select sname,case when ‘abc’ then ‘name staring with a’

when ‘pqr’ then ‘name staring with p’

else ‘name not staring with a and p’

end from emp;






IT display the records of a table which satisfies all the conditions in the given query.


select * from student where sno>all(3,4);




It displays the records of a particular table which satisfies anyone condition in the given



select * from student where sno>any(3,4);




FUNCTIONS are classified into 4 types. functions

2.string functions

3.mathematical functions

4.aggregate functions


Date Functions:


Dual:-- Dual is a dummy table which will be created in the database when oracle is loaded.


q) how to see today’s date??


select sysdate from dual;


q) how to display today’s date along with time??


select systimestamp from dual;




This function is used to add ‘n’ no. of months to the current date or any date. This function is also used to subtract n no.of months to the given date.


select add_months(jdate,6) from emp;

select add_months(sysdate,6) from dual;

select add_months(sysdate,-6) from dual;




This function is used to display the difference between n no. of months between two dates.


select months_between(sysdate,jdate) from emp;

select round(months_between(sysdate,jdate) from emp;




This function is used to display the last day of the given months.


select last_day(sysdate) from dual;

select last_day(’01-feb-10’) from dual;




This function is used to display the next week’s date.


select next_day(sysdate,’mon’) from dual;

this will display the first upcoming Monday


select next_day(sysdate+3,’mon’) from dual;

This will display the next week Monday date…

formats in date functions


d - no. of day in a week

dd - no. of day in a month

ddd - no. of day in a year

day - full name of the day in a week

dy - it will show 3 letters of day in a week

mon - 3 letters of the month in a year

month - full name of month in a year

mm - no of month in a year

q - no of quarter in which the month is existing

y - last digit of the year

yy - last 2 digits of the year

yyy - last 3 digits of the year

yyyy - last 4 digits of the year

hh - no of hours in 12 digit format

hh24 - no of hours in 24 digit format

mi - no. of minites

ss - no of seconds

sp - spelling of given month no,date no,year no

th - suffix of date

spth - spelling with suffix

w - no of week in the month

ww - no of week in the year


the 2 date conversion functions which are used in oracle are to_char and to_date.



this function is used to convert the standard date format values into the user defined date format

select to_char(jdate,’dd/mm/yy’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’d’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’dd’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’ddd’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’day’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’mm’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’mon’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’q’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’y’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’yy’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’yyy’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’yyyy’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’hh’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’hh24’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’mi’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’ss’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’w’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’ww’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’ddsp’) from emp;

select to_char(‘jdate,’ddth’) from emp;




This function is used to convert the user defined date into system defined date and it again converts the system defined date into the user defined date format..


select to_char(to_date(’31-dec-10’),’dd/mm/yy’) from dual;






This function is used to display the greatest date among the given dates.

select greatest(to_date(’16-jan-09’),to_date(’17-jul-09’)) from dual;

o/p:- 17-jul-09


select greatest(’16-jan-09’,’17-jul-09’) from dual;

o/p:- 17-jul-09




This function is used to display the least date among the given dates.

select least(to_date(’16-jan-09’),to_date(’17-jul-09’)) from dual;

o/p:- 16-jan-09


select least(’16-jan-09’,’17-jul-09’) from dual;

o/p:- 16-jan-09






This function is used to display the total length of a given string.

select length(‘chaitanya’) from dual;

select length(sname),sname from student;

select length(fname||sname) from student;




This function is used to display the first letter in the word as a capital letter

select initcap(‘chaitanya chakravarthy divakala’) from dual;

O/P : Chaitanya Chakravarthy Divakala



This function is used to convert the lower case letters of the given string into upper case



select upper(‘chaitanya’) from dual;





This function is used to convert the upper case letters of given string into lower case letters

select lower(‘CHAITANYA’) from dual;

o/p : Chaitanya




This function is used to convert the given character into corresponding ascii codes.

select ascii(‘a’) from dual;

o/p:  65




This function is used to convert the given ascii codes into corresponding character.

select chr(65) from dual;

o/p : a




This function is used to add a string to left side ‘n’ no. of times to the given length of the


select lpad(sname,10,”*”) from student;

select lpad(‘chaitanya’,10,”*”) from dual;

select lpad(sname,10,”*$”) from student;




This function is used to add a string to right side ‘n’ no. of times to the given length of the string.

select rpad(sname,10,”*”) from student;

select rpad(‘chaitanya’,10,”*”) from dual;

select rpad(sname,10,”*$”) from student;




 This function is used to display all the records which will sound with the similar name.

select * from student where soundex(sname)=soundex(‘chaitanya’);




Trim consists of 3 types








This function is used to remove the required characters from the left side.

select ltrim(‘chaitanya’,’c’) from dual;

o/p: haitanya


select ltrim(‘chaitanya’.’cha’) from dual;

o/p: itanya

select ltrim(‘chaitanya’,’ch’) from dual;

o/p :aitanya




This function is used to remove the required characters from the right side.

select rtrim(‘chaitanya’,’c’) from dual;

o/p: chaitanya

select rtrim(‘chaitanya’.’nya’) from dual;


select rtrim(‘chaitanya’,’tanya’) from dual;





Both ltrim and rtrim will trim by character wise but not by string wise…….


 It consists of 3 types








This function is used to remove a character from left side

select trim(leading ‘c’ from ‘chaitanya’) from dual;

o/p: haitanya



 This function is used to remove a character from right side

select trim(trailing ‘a’ from ‘chaitanya’) from dual;

o/p: chaitany




This function is used to remove a character from both sides

select trim(both ‘m’ from ‘manasa’) from dual;

o/p: anasa

select trim( ‘m’ from ‘manasa’) from dual;

o/p: anasa




 This function is used to translate the letters in the given string with the user defined

letters. this function is letter based.


select translate(‘dccvizag’,’dvg’,’abc’) from dual;

o/p: accbizac


select translate('yayay','y','k') from dual;

o/p: kakak




 This function is used to replace a particular word in the given string with the

User defined word. this function is strictly a word based.


select replace(‘dccvizag’,’dcc’,’hyd’)from dual;





 This function is used to display the null values in an attribute with the userdefined data..

select nvl(sname,'dcc') from student;




This function is used to display the names in an attribute with one userdefined name and the null values in the same attribute with another user defined name.

select nvl2(sname,'vsp','hyd') from student;




 This function is used to return the position of a particular character in a string.

select instr('visakhapatnam','a') from dual;

o/p: 4

it also used to return the position of a character not only from the beginning...,

select instr('visakhapatnam','a',5) from dual;

o/p: 7




 This function is used to return the string from any postion upto end of the string.

select substr('viskahapatnam',4) from dual;

o/p: akhapatnam

This function is also used to display the string from mth position to nth position

select substr('visakhapatnam',4,7) from dual;

o/p: akhapat






 This function is used to convert all the negative numbers into positive numbers and display on the screen

select abs(15) from dual; 15

select abs(-15) from dual; 15




 This function is used to display the next value

select ceil(12.2) from dual; 13

select ceil(12.7) from dual; 13

select ceil(12.275) from dual; 13



 This function is used to display the same value

select floor(12.2) from dual; 12

select floor(12.7) from dual; 12



 This function is used to round the value to 'n' no.of positions

select round(12.257,2) from dual; 12.26

select round(12.72,1) from dual; 12.7

select round(12.247,1) from dual; 12.2



This function is used to cut the given number to some user defined number.

select trunc(12.757,2) from dual; 12.75

select trunc(12.72,1) from dual; 12.7



 This function is used to display the remainder between two numbers.

select mod(5,2) from dual; 1

select mod(2,5) from dual; 2



This function is used to display the power of a given number.

select power(5,2) from dual; 25



 This function is used to display the square root of a given number.

select sqrt(81) from dual; 9





 This function is used to display the maximum salary or the highest value of a particular


select max(sal) from emp;



 This function is used to display the minimum salary or the lowest value of a particular attribute.

select min(sal) from emp;



 This function is used to display the average salary

select avg(sal) from emp;



 This function is used to display the total salary

select sum(sal) from emp;




guidelines for using group functions


• distinct makes the function consider only nonduplicate values; all makes it consider every

value including duplicates. the default is all and therefore does not need to be specified.

• the data types for the functions with an expr argument may be char, varchar2, number, or date.

• all group functions ignore null values. to substitute a value for null values, use the nvl, nvl2, or coalesce functions.

• the oracle server implicitly sorts the result set in ascending order when using a group by clause.

to override this default ordering, desc can be used in an order by clause.




The  having clause to specify which groups are to be displayed, and thus, you further restrict the groups on the basis of aggregate information.

in the syntax:

group_condition restricts the groups of rows returned to those groups for which

specified condition is true the oracle server performs the following steps when you use the having clause:


1. rows are grouped.

2. the group function is applied to the group.

3. the groups that match the criteria in the having clause are displayed.

the having clause can precede the group by clause, but it is recommended that you place the groupby

clause first because that is more logical. groups are formed and group functions are calculated before

the having clause is applied to the groups in the select list.




A view is a virtual table defined by a query. it provides a mechanism to create alternate

ways of working with the data in a database. a view acts much like a table. we can query it with a select, and some views even allow insert, update,and delete.

however, a view doesn’t have any data. all of its data are ultimately derived from tables all of its data are ultimately derived from tables like those we created in views are similar to derived tables, except that views are de.ned once and can be used in many queries.


syntax: create a view using the create view command.

create view <view name> [(<column list>)] as <select statement>

this creates a view named <view name>. the column names/types and data for the view

are determined by the result table derived by executing <select statement>.

let’s create a view showing the ingredients (ingredient id, inventory, and inventory value) supplied to us by veggies_r_us.


create view vrs as select ingredientid, name, inventory, inventory * unitprice as value from ingredients

i, vendors v where i.vendorid = v.vendorid and companyname = 'veggies_r_us';

Note: this views may contain expressions and even simple literals.

display: vrs

ingredientid name inventory value

letus lettuce 200 2.00

pickl pickle 800 32.00

tomto tomato 15 0.45


Note :  A view’s select statement may refer to other views. because the view is just a virtual table, any changes to the base tables are instantly reflected in the view data.

example:update the tomato inventory

update ingredients

set inventory = inventory * 2

where ingredientid = 'tomto';


why to use a view ?

views have several uses




3)reduced dependency


updating views:


standard for a view to be updatable, not contain distinct

1)not reference the same column twice in the select clause

2)not have a group by or having clause

3)not contain union, except, or intersect

4)contain attributes from only one table

5)have exactly one row in a base table that corresponds to each row in the view

updating through views :

update vrs set inventory = inventory * 2;

inserting through view:

insert into vrs(ingredientid, name, inventory) values 'newin','new ingredient',100);

drop view

drop view <view name> [cascade | restrict]


Advantages of views


• restrict database access

• simplify queries

• provide data independence

• provide multiple views of the same data

• can be removed without affecting the underlying data

view options

• can be a simple view, based on one table

• can be a complex view based on more than one table or view can contain groups of functions

• can replace other views with the same name

• can contain a check constraint

• can be read-only



Synonyms are used to create a duplicate copy of a table.while creating a synonyms there is no possibility to use a where condition.

it cannot capture the result of any sql query in the synonyms which can be possible in views.


create a synonyms:


syn: create synonyms <synonym name> for <table name>;

eg: create synonym emp_syn for emp;

drop a synonyms:

syn:drop synonym <synonym name>;

eg: drop synonym emp_syn;




Sequence is an independent object and used with in a table that required for generating

numbers in either assending or desending order. oracle provides an object as sequence and providing intervels between the numbers.In a table maximum information required for generating a number.simillarly minimum information required for generating numbers using sequencemust be a starting number.increment value for generating the next number.


Creating a sequence:


create sequence <sequence name>

start with <value>

increment by <value>

max value<value>

min value <value>




eg: create sequence chaitanya_seq start with 200

increment by 2

max value 450

min value 200


sequence created

confirming a sequence:verify your sequence values in the

user_sequences data dictionary table.


Note : verify a sequence value in user_sequence

the last_number column displays the next available sequence number if nocache is specified.


Rules for using n extval and currval:


The select list of a subquery in an insert statement

2)select list of a select statement that is not part of a subquery

1)the select list of a view

2)a select statement with group by, having, or order by clauses and with the distinctkeyword

views the current value for sequence:

select dept_deptid_seq.currval from dual;

o/p:- currval




Caching sequence values:


Cache sequences in memory to provide faster access to those sequence values,cache is populated the first cache is populated the first each request for the next sequence value is retrieved from the cached

viewing the next available sequence value without incrementing it if the sequence was created with nocache, it is possible to view the next available sequence value

without incrementing it by querying the user_sequences table.


Altering a sequence:


modify it by using the alter sequence statement.


alter sequence sequence

increment by n

{maxvalue n | nomaxvalue}

{minvalue n | nominvalue}

{cycle | nocycle}

{cache n | nocache};


alter sequence dept_deptid_seq

increment by 20

maxvalue 90



Removing a sequence:-

to remove a sequence from the data dictionary, use the drop sequence statement.

syntax: drop sequence <sequence name>;




An oracle server index is a schema object that can speed up the retrieval of rows by using a pointer.indexes can be created explicitly or automatically.  an index provides direct and fast access to rows in a table. its purpose is to reduce the necessity of disk i/oby using an indexed path to locate data quickly. the index is used and maintained

automatically by the oracle server. once an index is created, no direct activity is required by the user.


indexes are logically and physically independent of the table they index. It is created or dropped at any time and have no effect on the base tables or other indexes.

how are index created a unique index is created automatically when you define

a primary key or unique constraint in a table allows us the creation of two types


1) duplicate index

2) unique index


creation of duplicate index : an index created on single attibute of a table is called as simple

accepts duplicate values for the indexed column.

(simple )

syn: create index <index name> on <table name>


eg: create index emp_ind on emp(sno);


Composite index:


An index created on more than one attibute of a table is called as composite accepts

duplicate values for the indexed column.

syn: create index <index name> on <table name> <column name>.<column name>............;

eg: create index emp_index on emp(sno,sname...);


Creating of simple unique:


syn : create unique index <index name> on <table name> (<column name>);

eg: create unique index emp_index on emp (sno);

Creating of composite unique index:-


create unique index <index name> on <tablename>(<colunn name><column name>........);

eg:create unique index emp_index on emp(sno,sname.........);

Drop a index:-

syn :drop index <index name>;

ex: drop index emp_index;

View the contents of the index:-

1)by using user_index we can view the index name and table name,but it cannot view the

column names on which the index is placed

2)by using user_ ind_ columns we can view the columns on which the index is crated.

Disable the index:-

syn : alter index <indexname> unuable;

ex: alter index emp_ind unusable;

Enabling the index:-

syn: alter index <index name> enable;

ex: alter index emp_ind enable;


Note : Info on Complete  Oracle SQL Blog for Developers and Administrators it may be differ in your environment like production,testing,development etc


1 comment:

  1. Nice SQL complete blog thank you for sharing this blog


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